Delivery II & Truth, Beauty, and Stories, revisited
Materials for class on Wednesday, December 13, 2017
Download the slides from today’s lecture.

Feedback for the class
First, make sure you fill out BYU’s official ratings for this class sometime before Friday, December 15.
Second, go to this form and answer these questions (anonymously if you want):
- What were the two most important things you learned in this class?
- What were the two most exciting things you learned in this class?
- What were the two most difficult things you had to do in this class?
- Which class sessions were most helpful? Which were least helpful?
- Which readings were most helpful? Which were least helpful?
- What should I remove from future versions of this class?
- What should I add to future versions of this class?
- What else should I change in future versions of this class?
- Any other comments?